Average rating3.4
DNF PG 116
This is my second time attempting to read this book and only sheer stubbornness got me this far. (Original review to follow.) This book is broken down into several ‘books' and I figured reading the first one would give me enough basis for deciding if I wanted to continue it or not. I don't. If I were to talk about all the problems I have with this story, we'd be here for days ... and I'd probably run out of room. A quick list.
The entire first chapter is one huge info dump. While informative, it should have been worked into the story. This strikes me as lazy writing.
The writing style is too wordy, verbose and flat out complicated for me. The same thing could have been said in a much easier manner.
There is mass brainwashing and ‘reprogramming' as well as at least one person that used their status to coerce someone that had been tortured by said brainwashing into bed with her. (And this ‘her'? She's apparently supposed to be one of the ‘good guys' - though it's really more a lighter shade of grey, I think.)
‘Pell' the location of the titular Downbelow Station can't seem to decide what they are. Sure, they claim, repeatedly, to be ‘neutral' but, thanks to this little nugget ‘“Your side uses that on prisoners. We don't.”' I think they need to be reminded what neutrality is.
I was promised - from the back cover! - ‘Interstellar War.' What I received instead was unlikable people doing boring, political things. During the first 116 pages, there is no space battles. There's not even a on-ground skirmish. Most boring interstellar war I've ever seen.
The aliens are called ‘Downers' by humans and they talk like...very, very young children. ‘“Loves good mans. Give you gifts. No more away.”' That's...annoying? problematic? something, at least.
I know this is a popular author in sci-fi, but, after two attempts, I gotta think she's just not for me.
DNF - PG 26
Partially because I feel like I'm reading a science paper, but mostly because I have to reread about a third of the sentences at least twice to even halfway understand what the author is trying to say. The style of writing doesn't work for me at all. Sadly enough, because I've heard such wonderful things about this author.