Average rating3.8
This is my third attempt reading it, and only on this attempt did I actually understand the setting and what the characters were meant to be, in relation to it. I'm pleased that I managed to finish it this time. For the most part, it was an all-right read. For me, a pro of this one in comparison to something like Wizard of Earthsea, is that there's more description about the world, including a codex and notes and what have you, and that McCaffrey's writing flows a bit better. Things keep moving, and you're actually in a lot of the action. A con for me, a major drawback, was that it wasn't clear enough? I don't know if it's that there wasn't enough detail or I just wasn't paying attention, but it was a jerky start getting into the world. Both of the main characters also suffered from a severe arrogance trip, and it could've afforded more backstory to make them more likeable. However, I will also be continuing this series, and seeing what changes as it goes along.