Elephant in the Room

Elephant in the Room

2011 • 323 pages

Upon a second reading, my rating for this one improved by a star. Perhaps I am at a different point of my career or maybe the composition of my staff is such that I more clearly see the utility, but the simple circular mapping graphic - A Acts -> B Reacts -> B Acts -> A Reacts -> Repeat - is a simple and effective way of taking an initial look at our relationships.

The one draw-back to this book, in my opinion, is the presence of a new “tool” in each chapter. Most build on the mapping diagram I referenced above, but a relationship map followed by the ladder of reflection followed by three steps for this followed by three steps for that...it all starts to run together.

But...I am certainly glad that I re-read this one, even if it was in preparation for the Summer 2023 term.