Average rating4.1
This is probably Gareth L Powell's best book yet. He is back in the space opera territory of The Recollection (there's no narrative link between the books, they're just in the same broad field). Not only do I love that subgenre, but it's also fair to say that he has grown considerably as a writer since that novel. So basically I'm onto a winner here.
There are shades of Iain M Banks in the sentient warships, and of Alastair Reynolds' Revelation Space in the bizarre alien archaeology, but there is also plenty here that it purely Powell. There's lots of invention (if ever you don't like one of the ideas here don't worry, there'll be another one along in a minute), a (mostly) likeable cast, and an engaging narrative structure with a series of shifting first person viewpoints. It also does the excellent trick of setting up a series while still working as a self contained novel. Bring on the next two volumes.