Average rating4.4
Love this book. Definitely a favorite from this series, but who am I kidding they are all great so far.
CAWPILECharactersCatalina—Siren powers with a circle is amazingAlessandro—meant to marry into money. Doesn't want to. Only has assassin or bodyguard skills. House is super poor basically excised, he'll join house BaylorFamily—so awesome. They act and function like a real family. Nevada Pregnant and her cravings. Non chalent lets go to hospital my water broke. They know she's the DeputyVictoria- much more powerful and “evil” than I thought. I was scared of the ending thinking she was stealing baby, but the short story proves better.Cheryl- so dumb injected Osiris serum into Linus—little absent I thought he might die.Everybody knows runa and bern are dating but nobody calls it out until later.AtmosphereSo vivid and descriptive. So engaging. I read 60% of it before I had to crash for the night and then I dreamt about it when I fell asleep. Very convincingWritingGood writing, while a certain scene is graphic i didn't feel like it was too graphic. Like the use of things from real life, that are sometimes skipped in books Ex Facetime.. great lines. Bunny bared a forest of teeth. PlotCatalina as Deputy is charged with investigating the Morton Case—1/4 primes working to fix the pit is killed. Alessandro comes back to avenge the father. Biomechanical magic construct passing Saito's Threshold which is basically its alive. And it glories in killing. Its growing and sentient. Wants Catalina. Most of plot is about Alessandro and Catalina with the Assassin Arkan. InvestmentReally wanted to know how they were going to resolve the Abyss in the pit. I knew they would get together so it was mostly a matter of how and when not if.LogicAlessandro's house spell is basically a temp magic wipe. Black Wings. Tremaine's powerEnjoymentNevada gets telekinetic powers when pregnant. Baby is a super primeMiscAlessandro takes jobs to keep his family alive. Has no money that's ok we didn't want those anyway.Connor and Alessandro watching her turn down AlbertNevada and Catalina make upLeon's Gun MagicThe Artisan vs AlessandroMarat, Jiang questioning
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