Average rating3.5
Intro: Good. Originality: Fair. Form: Excellent. Routine: Excellent. Dismount: Shaky. Landing: Botched. Ouch.So, on the cover, Stephen King says this is fans for Gone Girl. I'll be honest, this is way more [b:Dark Places 5886881 Dark Places Gillian Flynn https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1354988288l/5886881.SY75.jpg 6873353]. One thing I loved about both books is the call-out of nosy true crime fanatics who don't treat victims with humanity. Sager brings the reader through some twists and turns and does a pretty good job with that. The journey was more important than the destination on this one, though. But the final line is one of the corniest things I've ever read.Still a solid book. I definitely recommend it. Just not life-changing or anything.