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CAWPILECharactersVhalla Yarl goes through a lot in this book. Lots of ups and downs with her emotions and feelings towards Aldrick and others. I have to remember that she is a young girl prone to more outbursts than I am. Vhalla feels very realEmperor still seems like a loser.AtmosphereThis book covers the journey to the north. We don't see a ton of the journey, but usually when they are done for the day.WritingVery good writing. Lots of good lines. Horribly mean cliffhanger. Almost literally. It was very engaging writing.PlotThe Plot is all about getting to the battle front with a couple of attacks on the company. The Main point is to keep their relationship a secret. InvestmentVery invested in how Vhalla will grow and her relationship with Aldrick. Interested in crystals.LogicThings were logical, but I'm not teenage girl so I have to take it on faith that they go through things similar to VhallaEnjoymentI really enjoyed most of this book especially the second half of the bookMiscTheir army seems pretty janky, never prepared for attacks. How did they conquer before?Them staying together in his tent.I loved that the relationship between aldrick and Elecia was cousins.Windwalkers can't be corrupted by Crystals. Lets kill them all!Killing Leral. I can't forgive you. Then "we'll see" killing Aldrick. I really can't forgive you, but he should be somewhat immune because of bond. she is immune to flame.
I will be talking about it on Libromancy https://libromancy.podbean.com/ on 10/16/2022
3.5 Stars
Similarly to my feelings on the first book in the series, this had almost been a four-star read for me had it not been for the sudden turn of events around the 80% mark. I wasn't a fan of what Kova did in the first novel with Vhalla's arrest and criminal charges, and now I wasn't a fan of Vhalla's name change and Larel's death. It makes me a bit apprehensive to read the next installment. I think I'll need to sit with this for a little bit. Oh, and Vhalla is still an extremely annoying and whiny Mary Sue FMC btw, just in case anyone was wondering.
Vhalla Yarl berangkat menuju ke medan perang sebagai aset Kekaisaran Solaris. Kaisar berharap Vhalla untuk mendapatkan kemenangan, sementara senat berharap dia mati di medan perang.
Di buku kedua ini mulai menjelaskan sedikit mengenai ikatan yang terbentuk antara Vhalla dan Pangeran Aldrik. Ikatan itu muncul ketika Vhalla menyelamatkan Aldrik, dengan menjalankan tugas sebagai murid magang perpustakaan, ketika mentornya meminta semua murid untuk mencari penyembuhan bagi Aldrik.
Fire Falling merupakan buku kedua dalam seri Air Awaken. Seperti di buku pertama, rancang bangun dan magic systemnya cukup bagus, yang kurang cocok buatku hanyalah romansa antara kedua tokoh utamanya, Vhalla dan Aldrik.
Seperti sudah kusebutkan di ulasan buku pertamanya, aku bukan fans insta-love. Selain itu chemistry antara keduanya kurang terbangun dengan baik, untuk kedua orang yang diceritakan terjalin secara magis.
Namun aku akan tetap merekomendasikan seri ini bagi penggemar fantasi yang tidak keberatan dengan kandungan romansa yang agak berat.
Vhalla is changing day by day Im excited to keep reading about her and Aldrik´s story.