Flash Filstrup

Flash Filstrup

1981 • 92 pages

I had an uncle who worked in publishing and this was left as a gift (along with other books) when it was published in 1981.

This summer holiday, as a family we watched Kjell Sundial's 1980 film, ‘Vi hade i alla fall tur med vädret' - which is both quite Jacques Tati-esque and a time capsule of the 1970's.
There is a flasher in it, who turns out to be running a kiosk under his mac - no flashing at all.

Anyway, reminded me of Flash Filstrup, and I dug it out of a box in the attic.

I don't think you could ever say it was politically correct. There is probably a reason it wasn't republished.

It was nostalgic and everything that holds with the conflicts between remembrances and then re-experience.

August 2, 2017Report this review