Cover 8

Forever Christmas

103 pages


Average rating1


I ONLY finished this bc it's almost the end of the year and I don't have time to pick up books then put them back down if I want to meet my challenge.

This was horrible. I hated that he talked badly about his dead wife the entire time, I hated that she got mad at him for literally doing his job, I hated that he explained his actions before she even got mad at him but then got mad at him anyway and didn't put two and two together, I hated the random million characters that came up that i had no idea how they were connected to anything. More so, I did not care about them. If the novel is going to be that short maybe don't introduce 20 side characters. Ridiculous.

Dialogue was awkward, stunted, and stupid. As was every single conflict in this story.

But hey, one step close to completing my reading challenge.

December 20, 2017Report this review