Cover 4

Found at Sea



Average rating2.5


This is a pirate romance with a lot of cliches but it was a fun.
Kellan is a pirate captain that spends a lot of time navigating towards something using the stars and not telling his crew, but it turns out he's trying to find a way to break a curse bestowed upon him by a mythical being of the sea, marked by a conch shell scar/tattoo on his chest. He falls for a very (too?) young tavern boy with red hair and an attitude to match (Fletcher) that accidentally had a peek at him getting serviced by two men in a brothel, but then ends up saving him by taking him more-or-less hostage onto his ship when Fletcher very suddenly/conveniently loses a place to live that very night. Queue a bit of Stockholm Syndrome and Fletcher ends up falling for Kellan and is fully thirsty for what's in the captain's britches.
It's not the best writing or the most original premise, but once I got into the book, I really enjoyed the story and characters.

March 3, 2020Report this review