Average rating4.3
Food for thought for sure, From Hell is a complex piece of work with many layers of human emotions, expressions, and delusions.
One thing I particularly like about Alan Moore is his all-pervading kindness to everyone he presents in his works, both villains and heroes, victims and criminals.
So, we see Sir William Gull— a genius, a murderer, deranged to many but sure of his superiority only found his true nature of derangement and inferiority in his visit to a higher plain.
There are some memorable panels and monologues that will keep me thinking for quite a while.
Although Moore used Hinton's fourth dimension as a central concept of this work, he— probably with his modern sense of four-dimensional space understood the fourth dimension as time, whereas Hinton's was an Euclidean one. However, he bridged that with modern spacetime and created such panels like the above.
A masterpiece!