Average rating4.2
What a great premise! You end up living with your fiance's best friend's ex-fiancé when they dump both of you to be with each other. Yes, Peter dumped Daphne the night before their wedding to be with his long-time best friend Petra. This left Daphne unhoused when Peter kicked her out and “thoughtfully” arranged for her to move in with Miles, who was Petra's former fiancé. The back stories of all the characters played heavily into this situation devolving into an unbelievable mess that seemed to work to everyone's advantage. The depth in which [a:Emily Henry 13905555 Emily Henry https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1573928938p2/13905555.jpg] built her characters, especially Miles and Daphne, makes this story work flawlessly. In addition, you never feel an “info dump” of that backstory. It evolves almost without the reader knowing until odd relatives begin showing up in Miles and Daphne's already cramped apartment.The dialog of each character is outstanding, conveying the story and making you laugh at the same time. It makes you believe there is someone out there who is quirky enough to work as your best friend, soulmate, or worst enemy.The surprise ending hit me like a ton of bricks that meant I was reading, falling asleep for 20 minutes, then reading more to know the ending. Trust me, the ending is worth whatever amount of sleep you lose to get to it.