Average rating4.4
What an absolute masterpiece.
I never thought I'd give a book in a series 5 stars, but here I am. This book was absolutely incredible from start to finish. From the characters to the plot to the twists, everything hit hard and it ran me through the full gamut of emotions. I laughed, I cried, I was screaming in my head to cheer them on and also envisioning awful deaths for the people who hurt them. This book was so difficult to get through because it just seemed like awful tragedy after awful tragedy but it was so good I just couldn't stop reading.
‘Sweet Mabalena, who fell so hard. Doesn't she know that happiness is something we're not allowed?' Duck and Mabelena?? Unexpected but very much loved. I'm glad Lena wasn't just a one-off character, and that Duck wasn't just seen as an empty shell after losing his dragon. He almost seemed happier for it, like he knew he wasn't meant to be a dragonrider, but we've been getting hints of that for a while.
‘But even knowing my own ignominy, I have a moment watching Griff glory in his bloodlust where all I can think is he was born for this moment, and he's beautiful.' ‘Then his mouth is on my mouth and I am home.' OH poor Griff, he was going through it for most of this book. The way that he stepped up to be King way before he was even actually elected because he knew it was what his people needed? Even after losing his sister, grandfather, and nephew? Even struggling through his feelings for Delo? I'm SO glad they had a happy ending. That Delo gave it all up to be with Griff. They lived happily ever after and I'm so happy for them.
‘The morning of the second day of the Clover Restoration, I attend Ixion Stormscourge's first Privy Council as Protector of Callipolis in Atreus's stead. I rinse my hands of his blood in the washroom on the way. Civil servants dangle by their necks in the courtyards I pass through; they were all high-ranking officials, all Gold, most lowborn. One of them, a straw-haired young highlander named Declan, once danced with Annie at a feast. His face is blotched and bloated in the dawn light.'
‘Letting a servant wash me, bantering with a princess, barely glancing twice at the maid who takes my coat: I feel like I'm succumbing to the decadence of my father like a slowly boiling frog.'
‘Of course I wanted it. Of course I'll always want it. But Annie and I don't get the things we want.'
SO many more quotes but LEE. Lee sur Pallor absolutely went through the ringer. Just tortured in the palace only to escape and lose Pallor. When I say I CRIED I absolutely CRIED. It's very rare that a book gets me to do that. I really liked his ending; deciding to turn the Big House into the home he had lost, the home that was better than the one he had before, not built on the blood of others.
‘I did what I needed to do. I got the Guardians out. I'm done. Please, let me be done.' Antigone sur Aela my absolute HERO. She just kept going, willing to sacrifice everything she is down to her very life for her guardians, for her country. I was so sad for her throughout almost this entire book. She lost so much, but it was her losing Power that really solidified my love of her. I saw it coming and even though it HURT with how he was my favorite character, it's almost like his sacrifice gave her the strength to finish it all. And she did it all WHILE on her period and cramping, which was an absolute queen moment if I ever saw one.
There was a moment in the book where I wanted that perfect future for them; happy together in the Big House, in love with kids. But I think the ending we got was even better. They both have work to do; sitting by isn't an option for them. There's much more hope there than there would be otherwise.
I'm still reeling, my head hurts from crying, and this took me on an absolute ride. Masterpiece.