Average rating3.8
The cover of this book actually put me off the contents the first few times I saw it. It isn't as if the cover is bad, and it actually reflects the book fairly well—but I like books about people, and when there's not a person anywhere on the cover, I have to be prettty bored to read the book.
I'm glad I did read it, although there were some rough bits. I need happy endings in my fiction. I just do, okay? This is pleasure reading, after all. And at one point the main character was so very far down that I felt hopeless for the him! Having experienced major depression, I fully recognized that he was very close to suicide. That wasn't very easy for me to read.
If gender bending is an issue for you, stay away from this one. It goes well beyond John Varley's Steel Beach. I was tickled to see several casual references to polyamory.