Golden Boy

Golden Boy

2013 • 347 pages


Average rating3.7


I think I'm finally willing to admit that I have no interest in finishing this book. It keeps staring at me from my Goodreads home page and I keep saying to myself I'll finish it, but why? So I can make myself feel better about actually finishing a book? I don't need to do that. There are thousands and thousands of amazing books out there that I can finish and love and not take THREE MONTHS to finish (or not finish, as I have decided to do).

This is not a bad book, but it just wasn't for me. It tells a very interesting story and I was fascinated at the beginning, but as it went on, I felt it started to drag and things just got a bit annoying, to tell the truth. I only had 20% or so left to read, so I think I made a fair dent into it, and I'm just not bothered about completing at.