Gravity's Rainbow

Gravity's Rainbow

1973 • 760 pages


Average rating4.1



I hate this book. At least the first 2/3. The last third was better.

I have tried to watch the “best movies” list, and 90% of the movies are... man movies. Now we have the same f-ing problem here. I'm reading this book because it's on some lists I want to read. It's a “man” book. This book doesn't have a universal message. It isn't meant for women, and probably not for people of color either. Traitors, murderers, perverts, sure, but white male such.
Francis Ford Coppola is heavily overrated. Stanley Kubrick was overrated. And Thomas Pynchon is overrated. Sorry, all the fans, but it's some sort of “The Emperor's New Clothes” garystu stuff going on here. These things work - on men - because they make you feel the way you want to feel. They make you feel smart. Deep. Cool. Stoic and resilient. That you are not alone in the chaos and confusion that is the world.
It's like the most popular chic lit. That's... well... it's not “The Emperor's New Clothes”, because womenfolks are supposed to be stupid, and being clever, more intelligent and astute than others, is not something desirable in women. You can't get women through telling them there's something only the smartest can see and get. Women... I have been talking about that in other places, and it has nothing to do with this, because Gravity's Rainbow is not written for women.

I think this book is voted to be one of the most difficult books to read, and they are right. Not because it would be difficult to understand it, but because it's so f-ing boring. Tedious, pretentious, pointless. People say it's so good, funny, post-modern masterpiece... Yeah, sure. We definitely don't share the sense of humor. Its like watching a Stanley Kubrick movie. I'd rather watch paint drying. That at least leads somewhere.
Also, the little stories this book consists of are pretty disgusting.
Some people say it HAS to be read several times... I can't imagine anyone willingly plow through this crap more than once, so to me that's kind of people desperately trying to find something about this to make it worth it, desperately trying to justify reading this book, rereading it to force it to make some sense - to me, it's obvious “Emperor's New Clothes” syndrome - people are saying it's great because it is not, but if more people agree on its greatness, the more special and amazing oneself is, for “understanding the greatness” so many eluded.
But, I have read this, and I don't need to do it again. I am not going to read anything else by this guy, he goes straight to my “people who make me roll my eyes just by existing” list.

June 24, 2024Report this review