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Heart in Hand

Heart in Hand

2011 • 392 pages


Average rating5


The interest I have for hockey could be compared to my desire to go to the dentist.
Well, that was before I read this story.
It was sweet and funny, but also frustrating and sad at times (there was a time were a really wanted to throw something at Sid).
It's always admireable when a book manages to spark your interested in something you didn't care about before. I may not be and never going to be a devoted hockey fan, but I'll surely watching hockey games now and then.
The ending was fabulous and, oh, what I'd give to see the expression on the people's faces!
This book is a good read I can only wholeheartedly recommend, regardles wether or not you're a hockey fan. Sid and Alex have completely different characters and it's sometimes really amusing to see them interact. Too bad there wasn't a nicely elaborated sex-scene, but oh well, the story doesn't need one to be great.
If you're still pondering about wether or not you should read this then let me make the decision a bit easier for you: go click on the link that's provided under the summary at the top on the page and download it.

August 25, 2013Report this review