Cover 6

Hemlock Island

Hemlock Island


Average rating3.1


Rating: 2.97 leaves out of 5-Characters: 2.75/5 -Cover: 3.75/5-Story: 2/5-Writing: 1.75/5Genre: Fantasy, Horror, Mystery, Suspense, Thriller-Fantasy: 4/5-Horror: 2/5-Mystery: 3.75/5-Suspense: 1.75/5-Thriller: 2/5 Type: EbookWorth?: UuuhhhhHated Disliked Meh It Was Okay Liked Loved FavoritedWant to thank Netgalley and publishers for giving me the chance to read this book.Oh god okay, let me see if I can write this review through the headache. I will start off with the good. I liked the setting. I could see where the story was at and the place it was. Sometimes the characters were really good. It was a quick read. The story had promise.Now for the bad. Where the describing of the place was good the characters were... 2 dimensional. There wasn't much for us to really grasp on to and have a connection. Though it was quick read it was a hard one. Not only for the cringe of some characters and scenes but because of how the story was written. I do get that Kelley wanted to give when doing those scenes of things happening back to back but I think some time studying how those are done would have done the story justice. With that being said I liked the premise of the story. The concept of it all was interesting. I think if Kelley took the time to study more of the writings from people in the genre she is writing about it could do some wonders.

July 13, 2023Report this review