Average rating3.7
by Andrea Renee Cox
This book was hard for me to get through. It was very heavy on sensuality, kisses, innuendo, alcoholism, premarital sex (as a lifestyle; talked about, not shown), and muscles (ropy, hard, etc.). There was an obscene gesture, the Lord's name was taken in vain at least once, and there were at least two expletives. A “Sexy Santa” lady (similar to a stripper) made an appearance too, which I found incredibly inappropriate for Christian fiction.
Dru claimed to be a professional bodyguard, but she often threatened to beat up her client. There didn't seem to be much concern about guarding him on road trips (for his job as an NFL player), though it was made pretty clear that the guy was receiving letters and threats at all of his addresses.
It didn't seem like there was a solid explanation for why the driver of the maroon truck was stalking the client. That really fell short for me as I expect something concrete and reasonable when reading mystery/procedural type stories.
Though I enjoyed the mystery and bodyguard angle, it didn't really fit with the rest of the Porter Family series, which were contemporary romances without a strong mystery/action thread.
There were many spots of major history dumps and telling, which bogged down the reading for me in those moments.
There were a few inconsistencies, the most major being that Silver Leaf had a male groom. In A Love Like Ours, book three in the series, it was made clear that Silver would have only female grooms from a certain point forward. I was surprised that he didn't still have the same groom as in that book, but at the very least, I expected the groom to still be female as per the other book's storyline.
My favorite thing about Her One and Only was the theme of one's heart softening toward one's future spouse. That is something that's really important to me, because I think it is one ingredient to a marriage that lasts a lifetime.
This was my final Becky Wade book to read. Since I was disappointed by five out of six, I will not be trying any additional titles.
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