Hidden Pain

Hidden Pain

2016 • 474 pages

To a sadist there are no rules, no restrictions. There is just the pain.Eighteen year old Alexander Burton has just begun his first Formula One racing season. His carefree life comes to an abrupt halt when he literally runs into the sexiest domineering man he has ever laid his eyes on. Gray Victore, the twenty six year old billionaire businessman, who has control over the sponsorship money to most of the F1 teams, is feared for a reason. The moment Alex looked into Gray's black eyes, he saw something in them that made his entire being submit to his dominance and power. Not understanding the pull this arrogant homophobic bully has over him confuses Alexander and makes him open his mind to the possibility of entering into a very different relationship with the sexy blond.They are bound to each other in a way no one else could ever understand, and enjoy a sexual partnership that most would believe to be torture, but together they work.