Holy Bible: New International Version

Holy Bible: New International Version

1973 • 1,248 pages


Average rating4.6


I took 9 months (basically started the moment Covid quarantine began) and read the NIV in its entirety. I didn't read it cover to cover, I did a reading plan that paired Psalms and Proverbs with other books so there was some contextual correspondence. The Bible is not a book I'm going to rate because I think that's a very silly endeavor. I learned a lot from this journey. What I took away from reading the Bible in its entirety is just how much of it is never quoted in Mass. I can't tell you how many days I said to myself, “I've never heard this before.” or “This story is so odd, what on earth was the context here.”

For that reason, I think one of the next books I read will be an historiographic companion to the Bible. A lot of books, particularly Judges and Kings, have a ton of nuance that is lost on a casual reader. I spent a lot of time on the internet as I read this getting more context on who some of the figures in the Bible were when they actually did correspond to historical record.

I would be remiss if I didn't mention that many days I walked away from my readings upset. This is a deeply problematic collection of books to digest as a feminist. Obviously not a surprising take.

But to end this musing on a positive note I will share two things I enjoyed. I enjoyed the book of Ruth. It's very short, and I think people of all denominations or lack thereof would enjoy it.

I also enjoyed the book of Ecclesiastes. In fact, I would read and own that book alone and revisit it.
Here's my favorite passage:

I know that there is nothing better for people than to be happy and to do good while they live. - Ecclesiastes 3:12

Doesn't anything more codified than that seem like an over-complication?

November 27, 2020Report this review