Average rating4
This felt surprisingly dated, the prose reminded me more of H.G. Wells than modern science fiction / horror. A lot of actual “science” which is kind of laughable given how much more we know nowadays. Also, the “maleness” of the narrative and attitude towards women is concerning by 2021 standards.
I'm not quite sure why this is a “classic” if you will. Especially when looked at next to a book like “The Road”, which I read earlier this year. Reading “I Am Legend” has made me appreciate that book even more.
Still, there's something here, and I suspect if I had read this in 1954 I'd have been more impressed. The book moves along quickly, it's interesting how Robert studies and reacts to his environment. The slightly nonlinear way the story is told builds suspense and empathy. The scene where he meets the dog is emotional and gripping, even though told with fairly spare prose.
I don't think I'd have a reason to read this again.