Average rating3.7
1.5 stars
What even...
Okay, let me start this review off with some positives.
> I really liked the concept and the crime. It is super scary and just interesting.
> Many of the characters were developed and flawed, so not always likeable, but real.
> The main character didn't try to become a detective and solve the case– this can really bother me sometimes.
>I didn't see the ending coming... let's put this in the neutral column though.
Besides that, I really had to push myself into finishing this one.
I started off bored and not quite connected. It was difficult staying in the book when the POV and tense of the chapters would change! Zoe is told in first and Kelly is told in third. It totally took me out of the book. I can't remember which was in present tense...
I was finally starting to get interested at 44% but the way this book is it feels slow paced even though it is moving at a good trot?
I disliked Kelly's disregard for police procedure and confidentiality. I won't go into it more, but wow she just... ugh. Honestly, though, both characters did things that bothered the hell out of me. Again, this comes to them being flawed and real, but also just me thinking ????WHY???
Which brings me to the ending. Without spoiling let me just say, I think the villain's reasoning is flimsy, the ability to do what they did requires suspending belief, the whole situation after they were found out made absolutely no sense to me –AT ALL!, and then the very last pages really peeved me.
Honestly, I want to rant more, but I'll leave it at that.
I don't really recommend this, I feel like there are such better thrillers out there.
Giving it that extra .5 star though for me not catching the criminal and the brief moments of time I was engaged.