If I'm Found
If I'm Found
Average rating4.2
Hand over the third book STAT!
I almost skipped reading this one because I had such a hard time getting into the present-tense narration in the first book (my least favorite POV). I was pleased to discover that the mechanics flow much more smoothly in this book than in the first, and I only actually noticed the present tense view a few times. The rest of the time I was gulping the story down by the chapter, on the edge of my seat just to see what was going to happen next.
I have to say, I found it WAY too short! I loved the payoff when Casey begins to seriously consider giving faith a chance, and I was rooting for Dylan and Casey to meet up and fight this out together almost from page one. Even apart, you can sense how well they are matched and anticipate how the chemistry will spark in the very first moment they meet. I love how Casey's drive to set right the injustices of the world have her stopping in her tracks to risk herself in defense of another family, another person being framed for what they didn't do.
Anyway, I keep hoping that the words of the last book will flow out very easily for Mrs. Blackstock, and that somehow the release date for book 3 gets moved up a bit!
Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for a review copy.