Average rating3.8
Finding more and more that I prefer low- to no-stakes in my fantasy. I really don't care about the multiple plotlines that are going to converge to try to take the MCs down. Especially if the author doesn't spend that much time on character development. Why would I care if they die, then? LOL
I was enjoying this until the author kept hinting at the next potential conflict. It started happening so often, so blatantly and so conveniently that it left little to the imagination as to how the conflict(s) would turn out. And when said conflicts involved the limited side characters introduced, they started to feel more like puzzle pieces than anything else. Ok eeky creepy boy who likes FMC is obviously going to be a roadblock, ok FMC's only friend who was born to the opposing faction's kind is obviously going to be used against her. Boring. Also, in the first 20%, I don't yet care enough about the FMC to be this invested.