Average rating4
Oh, now this story packed a punch! I love when novellas manage to suck me in so wholly. Alan Ryker proves that it doesn't matter how many pages he has to work with, he can write one hell of a story.
Since this is so short, I won't go too into detail. I wouldn't dare take the experience away from you. Instead I'll simply say that this story is very well done. Aaron's character, with his locked away memories, is believable. I understood his pain, felt his unwillingness to fight the demons lurking inside him, and cheered him on as he bravely fought anyway. There were plenty of moments that had me shivering, because the writing definitely evokes a sense of dread. Best of all, everything wrapped up in a way that I wasn't expecting.
In The Shadows Of Children starts a bit slow, but keep going. Trust me. It ends up being well worth it!