Average rating3.7
Whenever I read something autobiographical I always ask myself if I'd like to have lunch with that person. I think this explains why I tend to like books by funny or gossipy women. This was a real winner for me. Humor is subjective, but I found myself either laughing or smiling a lot – and definitely wanting to do lunch! Mindy Kaling's tone was light, and funny, and clever, and I'd even say infectiously girly. I was utterly charmed and I related to a lot of her anecdotes about friendship.
One of my favorite passages:
“I've found my productive-writing-to-screwing-around ratio to be one to seven. So, for every eight-hour day of writing, there is only one good productive hour of work being done. The other seven hours are preparing for writing: pacing around the house, collapsing cardboard boxes for recycling, reading the DVD extras pamphlet from the BBC Pride and Prejudice, getting snacks lined up for writing, and YouTubing toddlers who learded the ‘Single Ladies' dance.”