Cover 7



Average rating3


Pretty harmless. Sweet little feel good book. Everyone gets happy ending. Nice.
But... I didn't like it. I was bored most of the book.
Also, it's the last book, published 2018, and there's too much loose ends in the story of Noelle. I don't like that.
Too much praying and emotions to my taste. And it didn't feel genuine. Too much talking about things, too little acting. Like “I'll pray for you”. I have always found that... “goody-two-shoes” “better than thou” kind of show. Pray for me all you want, but don't advertise it as if that made you a good person, or that praying is all it takes. I mean, the good will is always a nice thing, but... I think Romeo is a better person than Jane. Romeo was being nice and kind and generous and forgiving to everyone, even the villains of the story, Jane was being “why would I be nice to him, when he isn't nice to me?”
“Sol is not the only person on this earth to have suffered injustice. You don't think I'm not suffering injustice?”
Frankly, I didn't see Jane do anything nice to anyone who hadn't done something nice to her first.
I wish Danica had taken more cue from Melanie Wilkes. Now, that's a lady and a Christian.

July 5, 2020Report this review