Jesus Greater Than Religion

Jesus Greater Than Religion

2013 • 218 pages


Average rating4.4


I liked this! Jeff admits up front that he is not a theologian and will not be going into the Greek/Hebrew meanings of words. So, this written pretty simply with some Bible concepts/verses explained + personal stories. BUT you can definitely tell he has spent a lot of his time reading the Bible and memorizing it, acting on it etc so he may not be a theologian but he knows what he is talking about. He backs up his claims.

The concepts he went over are ones that seem pretty simple, but as he argues are too often misinterpreted or just acted on enough. He had MULTIPLE good quotes here, and used Bible verses I thought were appropriate and different enough to slam in the point he was trying to make. A lot of this stuff definitely hit home for me, and I appreciated it.

The only thing is sometimes he would use the same Bible story but to explain another lesson learned from it and when doing so he would go back and write exactly what he wrote in previous chapters about that Bible story before explaining it. Didn't really understand why he did that, but it's a small thing.

Also, the discussion questions were pretty underwhelming and lacking. I didn't use them, though, so not a big deal but when compared to the content in the chapters the discussion questions seemed a bit too superficial.

I would read more from him.

September 29, 2015Report this review