This second installment of the "After: The New Earth" series, "Journey to the Jungle City," finds our characters bound for Green Hell; a land of impenetrable jungles and endless grasslands. Here they will again face the Bishop; a mysterious, malevolent figure, yearning for world domination under the guise of protection, order, and love. Here you will travel with Kel, Lyria and young Raven along unexpected paths, searching for mysteries hidden since the dawn of time. In this jungle land of blinding radiance and sudden darkness, you will meet a creature previously depicted in every story and film only as a terror: a monster. One of your number must face this monster, alone, and it will bring tears to your eyes. Sundered in flames and destruction, Lyria and Kel will return to the Black City, and Raven will find her birds and fireflies...
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2 primary booksAfter: The New Earth series is a 2-book series with 2 primary works first released in 2016 with contributions by Keith R. Mueller.