Just Like Mother

Just Like Mother

2022 • 246 pages


Average rating3.6


Rating: 2.88 leaves out of 5
Characters: 3.5/5
Cover: 3/5
Story: 2/5
Writing: 3/5
Genre: Horror/Mystery/Cult
Type: Audiobook
Worth?: EEHH no
Trigger Warnings: Death of a child, Gaslighting, Sexual Harassment, Abuse, Miscarriage, Suicide, Attempted Murder, Rape, Abortion Talk


Want to first thank Netgalley and publishers for giving me the chance to listen to this book. Oh man, oh man where do I even start?

One, the cult at the beginning. We don't get a defined idea of what they were. The mothers made no sense. We kinda get glimpses but that's about it.

Two, predictability. After a certain point early on you get the jest of it and figure out what is going on. The drive isn't there anymore. It makes the ending very... confusing and a wannabe for a plot twist.

Three, Maeve and Andrea. Maeve is... the trope of every dumb woman wrote by a man but she is written by a female which makes it worse. I know the author was probably trying to go for a Rosemary Baby thing but... come on. Been there and it has been done a million and FOUR times. Like... give me a damn break. Give me a freaking break with women being so damn stupid and not seeing clear big ass red signs. This really pissed me off. Andrea is your typical brat/Karen. The author really went HAM on the boring-over-done-needs-to-stay-dead trope.

Maeve coudn't put two and two together that since she was with Andrea bad shit started to happen? You are telling me Maeve was too damn stupid to put those two together? Even after that big ass fight EVEN after when Andrea would get her in trouble back at the home??

Four, Tyler being a creep. The time jumps made it even worse. We went from talking in the bar, to not text, to actual texting like a mad man, to a date, to two months, and then... that damn rape scene of him tying her up and blindfolding her and getting another man to have sex with no consent.

Five, the cops... what was even the point of them?

Six, the ending was just... because the rest of the book was basically fiery trash that it just... added fuel.

Seven, in the audiobook the chapters just have the name of the book so you don't even know what freaking chapter you are on.

The only reason why it is getting a 2 instead of a one because the first half-ish is pretty decent.

May 14, 2022Report this review