Average rating3.7
And a review that ended up more angry than I thought it would.
Really? I caved to the hype for this? It was not the worst I've ever read, but it wasn't that good. It's taken me weeks to get through it because I was finding it so tedious. The prose is like standard genre fiction, nothing special. The plot ended up being nothing special. The main character is so milquetoast I could die. The main female I liked despite myself because she was an angry asshole, but she wasn't written great. She's super hot and plays with her black hair a lot. A. LOT. Like, we get it. The other female protagonist has little to do and dies before everyone else. Oh, and she's black. Are. You. Kidding. Me?
I'm trying really hard not to swear a lot.
The old man is fine, whatever. But then we get the Christian YA horror writer. He's actually fairly likeable, actually. Until the end, when the evil house gets him to start killing everyone so he can resurrect his daughter. Then he's suddenly inappropriate and creepy towards his daughter. Like Purity Ball creepy. Oh. And he's really fat, just in case you don't get it the five million times it's pointed out.
The only engaging part was the first part, when everyone spends the night at the house, and that's mostly because the idea is fun, and you don't know what's going to happen.
And then the book happens, and it is a raging disappointment. It took me like two weeks just to get through the part where they try to tear down the third floor wall. That's gotta be like fifty pages or something. Fifty dull pages.
I really don't like the main character. He is so boring and trite and trope and white horror hero. He also does nonsense that is just nonsense. Swinging back and forth on the gutter of an old house when you are a full grown ass man will probably break said old gutter right away. Especially if the house wants you dead. Sam had total plot armor on. I hated him. With a passion. He was soooo boring!
This is two stars because I like the cover, the premise could have been fun, it wasn't the worst thing I've read, and I can't abide knowing I paid for an ebook I gave one star.