Average rating3.4
This was as strange book for me.
I had looked forward to reading it (perhaps too much) due to its popularity amongst people who are friends and those whose reviews I follow. My enjoyment of the book changed a number of times throughout my reading of it - which took me a bit longer than normal, as I fitted another book or two in between - at those times I wasn't loving it.
Ultimately I enjoyed it a lot. A couple of times on the way I just found myself confused about what was going on, but not motivated enough to go back and reread sections, so I just battled through. Part of that was the archaic language that crept in in places, part of it was probably just the storyline. Yes, there was the dated racism in the writing, but 1901 is not the political correct minefield we tread now.
No plot outline required - there are plenty of others there, done better that I would, and the book summary does a pretty good job anyway.
I did enjoy the characters, although I admit to (still) not really understanding a lot about them from the descriptions given, and the machinations of the Great Game were excellent, but for me, there were not enough of them... was it written with further stories in mind? (OK if someone tells me there are more stories I am going to edit that so as to not look foolish).
Four stars from me.