La más densa tiniebla

La más densa tiniebla

2015 • 83 pages

What prompted Karen to stand at the edge of the old well in front of Mr.Ander's house, in spite of the things people said about him? They said he made a pact with the devil, that he was really a specter, that his house led to the underworld...When Karen slipped and fell down the well, she knew no one had seen her fall and that no one would ever find her, and so she cried desconsolately. Then she heard someone speaking to her from the darkness. "You have only two options: live or die," said a voice right out of the afterlife. From that moment, Karen is taken to a disturbing world where Mr.Ander's dark imagination will show her that the greatest terror rises from the least expected places. A spine-tingling homage to Hans Christian Andersen.