Average rating4
Link to blog: https://dbsguidetothegalaxy.wordpress.com/2017/06/17/oh-arc-my-arc-leo-loves-aries/
Stars: 5
This is my second Anyta Sunday book (the first being True Colours – click the link to go to my review of that). And wow, she just gets better with every book (even though Leo Loves Aries was written before True Colours).
I just loved this book. I read it in one sitting – lying in my bed with my tablet slowly draining its battery. Everything was just fantastic and I just love everything in the book.
Now I've read other reviews and some people are unhappy about the fact that Theo's sexuality was never mentioned. I for one didn't have much of an issue with it, as fluidity of sexuality is a very real thing and Theo might not even know what he's feeling – if he's gay, bi, pan etc. and he might not want to know – which is fine, as you don't have to label yourself with whichever sexuality – meaning you can be bicurious or questioning or even just not straight – and that's okay.
So it's an absolutely gorgeous fluffy m/m romance book that you have to read – and will probably be the book that I'll go to after reading a bad one.
The characters are fantastic. They're funny and real and lovable and I just want to eat them all up – in a loving way, okay? Well, all except the exes. They can go die in a hole. I loved that Leone was blind and that was represented well, not made fun and she was still treated like a person. I loved the minor characters – can we get a whoot-whoot for the demisexual minor character – whom I think is Ben - but don't quote me on it or shoot me. Just tell me if I'm wrong and I'll edit the review.
And yessss for the relationship. I shipped it all the way and was groaning at my tablet because slow burn is the best and worst of the bloody tropes.