Average rating3
Cute sequel to [b:Let's Connect 54898496 Let's Connect Kelly Jensen https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1597242943l/54898496.SY75.jpg 85666474], with an agoraphobic MC crushing on his next door neighbor. I had just finished a deeply emotional novel, and felt like I had been through the wringer, so I'm afraid this felt very much like a palate cleanser, no fault of the author. Robin's hard-fought battle to go outside, walk down the street and engage with the world was poignant and relatable (I can see myself becoming a bit agoraphobic after a year of quarantining), but the romance with Seth didn't quite resonate, perhaps because of the novella length. Bonus points for the Northeast Philadelphia setting, my old stomping grounds. Hoping that Kelly Jensen gets back to publishing longer novels soon. She's good at capturing emotions but she needs a little more room to let them develop more naturally and fully.