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I was so so excited for this book because the premise of it sounded so fascinating. Modern Labyrinth, reality TV show, super cool, right? I did, however, completely forget about this book for a while. That wasn't the reason I didn't finish it, though.
I did really really like how they blended the modernity with the mythology. It was a cool idea, just not well thought out re characters. But just like the previous dnf, it was the characters that annoyed me to no end. I managed to get to a whole 30% before I realised that even though I liked reading it, I wasn't enjoying it.
There's also some instalove and I'm not much of a fan of that. I do think instaloves can be written well, but I didn't feel like this for this romance. Ariadne also seemed to be a ‘not like other girls' girl and I'm not so interested in that. And I know I didn't read much of Theseus, but I really felt like he was boring, as was Ariadne for me.
There was also the problem of them trying to blend the modernity with the mythology just too much. Like swapping the iconic the face that launched a thousand ships line for a wink that will launch a million GIFs. I think it was by the ...his emptiness stowed away like he's closing a pop-up window on his browser that I knew I had to leave before I went into another reading slump.