Love finds you in Annapolis, Maryland

Love finds you in Annapolis, Maryland


Average rating5


I really enjoyed this story. Lark is one of my favorite heroines of the year so far, and I love how her standing up for herself was so authentically portrayed. Her brother's support was so wonderful...hey, I'd like a brother like that! I loved also how she found friendship with Sena and a shelter with Sena's wonderful family. I'm left wanting more of these same characters...wanting to know the story of so many more of them. And that's a great thing!
The historical aspect is excellent. One of the things I love best about Roseanna White's books is how entirely I can get lost in the era she uses for a setting. There aren't stray anachronistic phrases or actions to drive me nuts and bring me out of the atmosphere.
Easily five stars!

March 13, 2015Report this review