Love Gently Falling
2015 • 180 pages

2.5 stars
This one's a really light romance centered around Valentine's Day. I enjoyed the unique setting of a holiday that doesn't always get much attention in fiction.

Rita didn't really win me over very well. Her snobbery about the lead guy's profession was really annoying even though she was the one who blatantly misunderstood his position (it was clear from the beginning to the reader). It bugged me even more that she didn't get over being miffed about his “lack of ambition” until she found out she'd misunderstood. A man's job isn't the #1 thing a woman should worry about when meeting a ten maybe, but not #1. That made bonding with her awkward.

The other parts of the story were fun (particularly the salon makeover). I thought the ending was rushed but it did give a general idea what happened next with Rita and Johnny, though sadly not giving hints much on anyone else.

August 29, 2020Report this review