Average rating4.2
Here I am at the fifth book in the Kate Daniels series. I've ravenously read this series until they are no more (published) books to read, and I'm so hooked I can't even explain it to you anymore. Magic Slays is amazing. It seems with every book I just grow closer and closer to the characters who inhabit Kate Daniels' little corner of the world. For me to still be hooked after this many books? You know it's a good series.
Magic Slays is the book where we finally get to see Kate and Curran as a couple. A COUPLE. Up until now they've fought, loved, and bantered, but at the beginning of this installment these two are officially hitched. I was a little worried. Would the Kate Daniels I know and love go soft on me? Would she stop being as kick-ass and amazing as before? I don't even know why I worried. She's still the same Kate Daniels! With the addition of being a little more grounded, and allowing Ilona Andrews the chance to give us a peek into the adoration between these two. swoon I ate it up.
In fact, this book heavily plays on Kate's new relationship and how it is going to affect her life from here on. There are new pieces of her past uncovered, and little tidbits of learning how to now be part of a twosome, rather than a lone wolf. As Consort, Kate has to learn how to balance her responsibilities to the Pack with the ones she has to herself. Trust me, this is a novel where she grows! So many crazy emotions flitted through me as I read. I laughed, I cried, I wanted more.
So many things happen in Magic Slays that drive the story forward, and I'd be a total liar if I said I didn't almost sob when I got to the ending. Kate Daniels is my favorite character. Hands down. Her kindness, her loyalty, her ability to be so selfless, I just can't express to you how much I adore the whole package that Andrews puts forth in her main character. Trust me, you need to start this series if you haven't already. In the meantime I'll be barely containing my impatience as I salivate over the next installment.