Average rating3.3
Whoa!So... I read the honeybadger book first, and that was funny and full of honeybadgers fighting and more plot and all, and then I read this... the first book of the Shapeshifters, and whoa! This is porn! X-DQuite enjoyable, but totally what my hubby calls “tantsnusk” - “auntie smut” :-D I really can't say anything about the literary value, but, hey, this book isn't meant to be read for the literary value anyway :-D It's pure entertainment. Hotter than anything E.L.James will ever write, and it has a plot and interesting characters as well. But, boy, I wasn't expecting any of this at all :-DSo I'm a bit hysterical right now. :-DI didn't like the plot, though. I'm a cat person. I don't dislike dogs and wolves, I like all animals, but cats are my favorites. I don't like plots that make cats the villains. And I don't like the description of cats in this book. I don't like the last fight. And I don't much like the super alpha female either.So... maybe hop over a couple of books, and start reading at the [b:Hot and Badgered 35534548 Hot and Badgered (Honey Badger Chronicles, #1) Shelly Laurenston https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1513510823l/35534548.SY75.jpg 56957047]. That one was excellent. This one wasn't.