Average rating3.4
“The year I turned ninety, I wanted to give myself the gift of a night of wild love with an adolescent virgin.”
Márquez is undoubtedly a skilled writer and I will pick up some of his other books in the future, because I do want to explore further his writing style. However, reading this has left me with a little less faith in the literary cannon.
I cannot get over how many people thought this book was beautiful and sensual. The writing was indeed beautiful. The vile fantasies of a pathetic old man? Not at all (just to be clear, my thoughts would be the same even if the character was instead a handsome 18-year old boy). One of the men that gave this a 5 stars tagged this as recommended for men who love women. Allow me a second to go throw up. Another one's review said Any book that makes me sympathize with pedophiles deserves a high rating.
I considered writing a lengthy review explaining why this book doesn't deserve to be praised but I stumbled upon a review that pretty much wraps it up. You can read Chloe's review here.