Mistborn: The Final Empire
2006 • 534 pages


Average rating4.4


Rating: 9.3/10

After reading Assassin's Apprentice before this, wow. Sanderson really shows the power of world-building and fascinating magic systems. The quick introduction of Allomancy and eventually the ultimately more fascinating Feruchemy draws in the reader and really brings the world alive. While some of the characters seemed a little one-dimensional to me (Ham, a soldier with an interest in philosophy), the lore of Luthadel and the Central Dominance made this book a page turner. From the ruthless and awe-inspiring presence of the Lord Ruler to Terrismen being introduced as an inferior servant race, Sanderson kept delivering.

Vin, the protagonist, was a little disappointing to me although I did enjoy her quick ascension to fully-trained Mistborn with the help of Kelsier. Her character dynamic of “I can't trust anybody” got a bit old after a while as well as her obsession with her brother Reen who abandoned her.

Regardless, I'm excited to find out more about the universe Brandon Sanderson has created and finish the Mistborn trilogy.

August 8, 2018Report this review