Average rating4.2
OMG!!! I will be thankful every day for those reviews I read that convinced me to keep reading this series because this has become one of my favorites!! Gasp FAVORITE! I must add the favorite tag now!!
This is the first book I've read– not listened to, and while I really do miss the narrator, I was able to read this one super duper fast I literally could not put it down.
Do I have any issues? Yeah. Curran messed up big time. I think he could have mentioned... the thing, instead of keeping it from her and causing hella drama. I don't wanna spoil too much, but I thought this could have been handled smarter.... but I also don't think it makes me hate his character, but understand where they both stand. No matter what, they both want to protect the other and do it in the way they think best and yeah, they eff up a lot which makes them seem more real to me. I think this is an experience they both learn from and, hopefully, grow from.
Also, one of my fave characters is Aunt B........ sigh I either laugh or cry at her scenes.
I'm about ready to stalk my library in hopes of getting the next book faster.