Average rating4
It is frequently difficult to continue reading this third book about intrepid Women's Friend reporter Emmy Lake because the Mrs. Porter character is so one-dimensionally evil. But fortunately Emmy and company do emerge victorious at the book's conclusion. WWII is still raging in 1943, however, and the personal cost to Emmy is devastating (no, new husband Charles is safe, at least for now). As always, Emmy keeps a stiff upper lip like a good Briton, but she can share her true feelings with lifelong friend Bunty. I'm assuming there is at least one more chronicle forthcoming, because the impact of the changes brought about by the events of this book need further exploration. And because Guy and Monica need to Have a Thing.
I saw an advertisement for this book that labels it as the “feel-g0od read of the summer.” That's completely misleading; the WWII setting guarantees that at least some sadness is inevitable. But this series does serve as a reminder to be thankful for our current blessings and to soldier on despite the many challenges of the 21st century.