Average rating3
Books, Coffee & Passion
2.5 stars
I was hoping for a cute royal romance when I picked My Best Friend's Royal Wedding but it wasn't what I expected and I was disappointed.
Khara was a waitress in Vegas, she was working hard to pay for her tuition and she was invited by her best friend, Phoenix, to be her maid of honor because Phoenix was marrying a prince.
Adam was a selfish douche, he was a rich guy that for the first time in his life was facing a hard choice in the midst of his best friend's wedding, Max, that invited him to be his best man.
Honestly, I disliked Khara and Adam for the first half of the book or maybe even longer, I definitely didn't warm up to Khara. She was so annoying, she kept judging everyone mainly because they were rich even before she set foot in the events or talked to people. I kind of get that she was used to see a lot of self entitled-grabby-drunk-rich guys going crazy in Vegas but she kept being judgy and whiny for most of the story, I can't even recognize any self growth through the whole book, unless I count the fact she did give in to one of these guys she kept judging, Adam of course, but if that was supposed to be her growth... I don't think it makes any sense so I'm not counting that. Adam was a selfish douche through most of the story but he was actually owning his flaws, he was perfectly aware of his way of life, he was mainly bored with it but he wasn't interested in changing anything in his life. I didn't really like him for most of the book but I actually liked his inner conflict about a choice he needed to make and I think that was the main reason I ended up enjoying the book. Adam had a lot of self growth during the story, even though it does take a while until we actually see it, I still enjoyed it. As a result of not liking the characters for most of the story, I didn't care much for their chemistry and romance.
Overall, I enjoyed the setting, the pacing and how Adam's character growth was done, so it ended up being an okay read.