Average rating4.1
First read:
I'd seen this mentioned several times as a favorite book, so I was really happy when redhouse agreed to a trade for it.
And, now that I've just finished reading it, I must say that I absolutely loved this book. The characters are so distinctly described that I could probably pick them out were I in Corfu. Durrell is a master at describing the setting in an amazingly detailed and fascinating way. Most of all, I loved the conversations Durrell set down on paper between family members; the conversations
perfectly reflect the personality of each character.
Write this title down on your eventual TBR. I cannot imagine who
would not be enchanted by this book.
Second read:
I rarely reread, but I have loved watching The Durrells so much that I decided the time had come for a reread. So I did. Loved, loved, loved.