Average rating3.9
It was probably irrational for me to think Amelia might want to be with me beyond what we'd already agreed to. But I was nothing if not irrational. I was greedy and selfish, too. I'd take any amount of time Amelia was willing to give me and be grateful for it.
This book is a campy vampire romp that doesn't take itself too seriously. Jenna Levine's vampires are less brooding and more goofy (but just as sexy?) than your typical vamp, and our heroine is the one doing all the rescuing. Yes, this book suffers from an excess of pop culture references and a mild case of instalove, but it's done in a way that is sweet and self-indulgent. If you're looking for a bite of paranormal escapism where the only stakes are wooden, this series is for you.
“Yeah,” Gretchen said. “If it's right, you just know. You know?”
He peered down at me, his eyes giving nothing away. “Actually, Gretchen—it's possible that maybe I do.”