Average rating4.3
I thought this was wonderful. How it handles race and socio-economic differences are just perfect for middle-grade readers, especially those who grow up in a non-diverse bubble. My only gripes are the lack of helpful adults (Grandpa being the one exception here). The teachers were just....a-holes and the lack of non-stereotypical females. Seriously, the only female characters are a gossip girl who is used as a tool and a clearly troubled young lady who is, for most of the book, brushed off as “crazy”. She does grow as a character, but only after my pity for her was ripping me right out of the plot and had me wondering why no one was offering this child therapy. As an adult, I realize that I am not the target audience for this book but I felt like I learned something. Also, how fabulous to see a family celebrating Kwanza!!! Loved it!!