Average rating3
Ever is still the most annoying character in YAF, but I tell you what, I've hated Haven since the first book so this book....better than the last ones.
Whenever Ever says she knows she's doing the right thing you know she has made the wrong decision and unfortunately, she says this a lot. What bugs me most is that she always thinks that she knows better than the guy who has had 600 years of life experience. She's so self-righteous it drives me insane.
Although, I will give her this...she has changed a bit for the better in this book. But really, I think it is Alyson Noel's writing that voices Ever so annoyingly. Since the book is in the first person there are too many conversations she has with herself that just grate on my nerves. That and the usage of the word ‘gawd'. Gawd awful or gawd, shut up.
And Haven, oh Haven how I hate you so. And not the she's so bad she's good kind of hate, the villain you love to hate, but just a character I flat out hate. She was idiotic and snooty in the first book and now she's just flat out crazy and ridiculous. The clothing and makeup descriptions are just waaaaay over the top. Are you kidding me?
I honestly don't know why I read these books! But now, there's only one left so I have to finish. ;)